Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

I am a retired, relatively young grandmother (50 years old),- who has traveled almost every over the world.

My genuine love is \"ART\", and I even possess an Art Gallery in Italy,- Where I presently reside.- (I am a U.S. Citizen dropped and upraised in the U.S.).- I am also a writer.-

One of my important concerns has always been the demand of \"ART\" education for the children in U.S. schools.

My grandchildren, ages 12 and 15, DO NOT have the slightest intent of what is a Museum, a enthusiastic painting, a Ballet, An Opera, A Classical Concerto, etc., neither are they interested in learning.-

In Europe, specially England, France, Spain, Italy,- \"ART\" is thoughtful one of the mayor subjects in grade school.-

Children, starting from the third grade in elemental schools, are regularly condemned to Museums, Operas, Ballets.- They must be able to recognize and write book reports about famous painters, writers, Operas, ballets, etc.

The level of education in these dweller Countries is much higher.- considering that a six grader in England, has the level of education of
a High School Senior in the U.S.A.-

I have famous of High School students here, that
can hardly \"Spell\", let lonely READ.-!!! Most of them have never feature a enthusiastic novel or seen a genuine work of ART.- Of course, this does not represent
all of the U.S. students.-

It breaks my heart to know that, not only my grandchildren.,- but every other children as well,- module never be able to enjoy the beauty of an Opera, the ecstasy of watching a Ballet, the emotion of chance and seing a Concert by Carreras, Placido DOmingo, or a Pavarotti singing \"Nesum Dorma\" from Tosca- that can fill your eyes with tears.

Visiting the \"Musee Du Louvre\" in Paris, with more that 65,000 pieces of art, amomg them The Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Winged Victory, The Vitruvian Man,-- would take a visitor more than fivesome weeks to be able to truly appreciate every of it's glory.

- This is why it is called the most famous art museum in the world. But this is an experience that module never be forgotten.-!!!
There are also thousands of other Museums all over the world.

To me, this is like robbing these children, which module be our next generation, of the most beautiful things in life.

The appreciation of \"True Art\" has to be taught to children, they are not dropped with this knowledge. Once they experience this and take a taste for it, it module be passed to the next generation.-

But this can not be accomplished unless schools and parents take an important persona of teaching them something that module enrich their lives forever !!!

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